December 2020 Board of Regents Meeting

Dec. 10-11

Materials and Videos

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Agenda: December 2020 (PDF)


8:00 a.m.
Litigation Review Committee
Regent Beeson, Chair/Regent Her, Vice Chair

1. Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Meeting of the Litigation Review Committee to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters – Review/Action – D. Peterson

8:00 a.m.
Audit & Compliance Committee
Regent Rosha, Chair/Regent Kenyanya, Vice Chair

1. External Auditor Report – S. Paulson/K. Knudtson/J. Dockendorf
2. Internal Audit and Committee Plan Update – G. Klatt
3. Information Items – G. Klatt

9:30 a.m.
Finance & Operations Committee
Regent McMillan, Chair/Regent Beeson, Vice Chair
15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair

1. Amendments to the FY 2021 Annual Capital Improvement Budget & President’s Recommended Revised 2021 State Capital Request – Review/Action – J. Gabel/M. Frans/M. Berthelsen
2. Systemwide Strategic Plan Implementation: Principles to Guide Campus Master Plans – Review – M. Berthelsen/M. MacKenzie
3. President’s Finance & Operations Work Group: Updates and Next Steps – M. Frans/K. Horstman
4. FY 2021 Operating Budget Update & FY 2022 Budget Variables and Levers – J. Tonneson
5. Collective Bargaining Agreements – Review/Action – K. Horstman
     A. District Council No. 1 of the Graphic Communications Conference International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 1B, Twin Cities
     B. Graphic Communications Conference of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 1M, Crafts and Trades Unit
6. Consent Report – Review/Action – M. Frans
7. Information Items – M. Frans

2:00 p.m.
Mission Fulfillment Committee
Regent Anderson, Chair/Regent Davenport, Vice Chair
15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair

1. Annual Report on the Status of University Research & Commercialization of Technology –C. Cramer/E. Borer/M. Lackey
2. Strengthening Career Readiness and Outcomes for All Students – L. Erwin/B. Hall/L. Kallsen/S. Lanyon
3. Holistic Approach to Student Wellness – C. Anderson/S. Olson-Loy
4. Consent Report – Review/Action - R. Croson
5. Information Items – R. Croson


8:00 a.m.
Governance & Policy Committee
Regent Mayeron, Chair/Regent Hsu, Vice Chair


1. Resolution Related to Amendments to Urgent Approval Authority – Action – D. Rosha
2. Board of Regents Policy: Alcoholic Beverages on Campus – Review – M. Kramer
3. Board Assessment Options and Considerations for Public University Governing Boards â€“ S. Dirksen

Approximately 15 min Following Adjournment of Governance & Policy Committee
Board of Regents Meeting
Regent Powell, Chair/Regent Sviggum, Vice Chair


1. Approval of Minutes – Action – S. Sviggum
2. Report of the President – J. Gabel
3. Report of the Chair – S. Sviggum
4. Receive & File Reports
     A. Quarterly Report of Grant and Contract Activity
     B. Eastcliff Annual Report
5. Consent Report – Review/Action – S. Sviggum
     A. Gifts
     B. Report of the Regents Award Nominating Committee
     C. Report of the Naming Committee
6. Report of the Faculty Consultative Committee – P. Buhlmann
7. MPACT 2025 Measures – Review – J. Gabel
8. 2020 University Performance and Accountability Report – Review – J. Gabel/R. Croson
9. Update on Public Safety – M. Clark
10. Report of the Committees
11. Old Business
12. New Business
13. Adjournment

Committee Consent Reports:
Finance & Operations: Central Reserves General Contingency Allocations; Purchase of Goods and Services $1,000,000 and Over; Real Estate Transactions; Schematic Designs.
Mission Fulfillment: Academic Program Changes; Conferral of Tenure; Human Fetal Tissue Research Report to the Minnesota Legislature.

Committee Information Items:
Audit & Compliance: Engagements Less Thank $100,000 Requiring After-the-Fact Reporting; Institutional Conflict of Interest Report; Semi-Annual Institutional Compliance Officer’s Report; Semi-Annual Controller’s Report.
Finance & Operations: FY 2020 Annual Financial Report; Administrative Cost Definition and Benchmarking Update; Semi-Annual Capital Project Management Report; Debt Management Advisory Committee Update; Investment Advisory Committee Update; Quarterly Asset Management Report; Quarterly Purchasing Report.
Mission Fulfillment: University, Student, Faculty, and Staff Activities and Awards; Completed Comprehensive Review of Board Policy.

[Tentative Item]


Materials and videos

Board of Regents

Audit & Compliance Committee

Finance & Operations Committee

Governance & Policy Committee

Litigation Review Committee

Mission Fulfillment Committee